To-do list : 1. accept yourself

Now as we found the source of depression…Here’s the first point in our to-do list: learn to accept who you are and don’t distinguish either your good or bad traits from your personality.A common thing is: when you feel bad you start thinking about your handicaps, feel guilty, feel sorry for yourself just like these traits are something from outside and has nothing to do…

Find the source of your depression

I haven’t posted here for a month already and I’ll tell you why: I was dealing with things that disturbed me.Although it can be hard, but trying to shift daily routine to think what actually worries you may be the start of yor self-therapy. You see: depression usually starts with: “I feel bad because of “. Later on it converts into “I feel bad because I feel bad because I feel bad….” – reasons – true and …

Step 3a: Get rid of trigges

In parts 1 and 2 we have dealt with ourselves and people who surround us. Let’s now move to distracting objects. If you followed my advice – you should now have a list of disturbing things. Time to classify them. Divide the objects into the following groups or if you don’t have a list – then try to fill the following classification:- Memory triggers (photographs, presents, miscellanous objects in your room, music, videos…

Step 2: Accept people as they are (but don’t let them upset you)

In step 1 you learnt to accept yourself as you are with all the good and bad sides of your personality (well I hope you did). Now what about other people. They are annoying, they are rude, they are.. they are what they are and most of the times you can do nothing about it. When a person does not want to change – it is almost impossible to to change her/him.Having read the above you can go sit in the corner and mourn about the unjust way of life. Which of course won’t help you. Or…

Step 3b: Get rid of trigges

Let us continue dealing with triggers. In the previous post I tried to explain what to do with memory triggers and annoying things. (And if you’re new here – here is the beginning of my self-help steps series).Today let us face web triggers and sensual triggers.Web triggersWeb triggers are those sites, blogs or communities which somehow worsen your mood. And if you decided to improve your mood and your state…

Don’t get stuck in a swamp with your friends

This is the answer to comment from Joi:”Realizing that we have more power than we give ourselves credit for helps a lot. Sometimes we just have to switch people OFF the way we do our television or radio when they annoy us!”It is obvious that usually we communicate with people who we like and avoid those we don’t. However, there are situations when we think we have to stand annoying persons for some reason. I will not go deeply into relations with strangers or acquaintances this time. Just a short notice:You have almost all possible ways…

10 Tips to help someone with depression

Sometimes it is hard to find the right words. Sometimes even the best intentions may hurt. This post is dedicated to people who know someone with depression.So what to do if one of your friends or relatives is depressed. You feel that you need to comfort her/him. Here are the things to know. Before you start …

When your colors fade to gray

You want to do something, but don’t know what exactly or where to begin. Yet all your fingers are thumbs and you can’t do anything. The colors fade to gray and you end up scrolling time by surfing internet, sleeping or playing solitaire. The worst thing is you start feeling guilty for doing nothing. Here are a few tips that may help if you find yourself in such situation.The key thing is to shake yourself from blues. This means…

Let the sunshine in

Good things come and go while bad ones tend to stick in a memory and sometimes even good things pass by unnoticed. This is why a depressed mind spend sleepless nights recollecting the worst events in one’s life. This used to happen to me for a long time and only recently have I understood it (thanks to my husband a lot) and would like to change things into a positive way.There are 3 things I’ll keep doing until I achieve positive results…

When you paint it black

“I was weak. That’s why I needed you… needed someone to punish me for my sins… but that’s all over now… I know the truth. Now it’s time to end this. “- James Sunderland, Silent Hill 2In my When your colors fade to gray post I wrote tips on what to do when you want to do smth but too tired to do anything. Here is some piece of advice on what to do when you don’t want to do anything at all.So. You sit in your corner and all you want is to…

Alcohol and depression

I have thought a lot about the recent events in my life and it made me understand the following: wise are those who learn from their’s earlier mistakes. Today I would like to share my experience with alcohol and explain what is actually wrong with us when we decide to use it as a relief from stress.I said what is wrong with us not with alcohol. This means I will not pose the latter one …

Personality Disorder Information

DisorderRatingParanoid Disorder:Very HighSchizoid Disorder:ModerateSchizotypal Disorder:ModerateAntisocial Disorder:HighBorderline Disorder:Very HighHistrionic Disorder:ModerateNarcissistic Disorder:Very HighAvoidant Disorder:LowDependent Disorder:ModerateObsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate– Personality Disorder Test – Take It! —- Personality Disorders –An exceptionally good test. Although the results are never precise in any of such test because usually people tend to exaggerate or downgrade certain traits of theirs. Anyway what really drew my attention is the following brief personality disorder Information:ParanoidParanoid personality disorder is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant …

Get rid of disturbing thoughts and memories

Today I’d like to tell you about dreams and memories.Dreaming the futureThere is some exciting activity – dreaming. Dreaming of who you want to become, what you want from your work, partner, life. Dreams inspire, they give us hope and make our belief in good things stronger. Yet there is a thing – a villian of dreams and this is delusion.When I was even younger than I’m now I used to live in future. I spent …